The International Anti-Microsoft Campaign LogoUpdated: Thu 5th Jul 2002
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We have set up this page in order to express our dislike of the way Microsoft is trying to monopolise desktop computing and the Internet.

Microsoft's business tactics are unethical and a danger to computer freedom and platform independent Internet access.

It is time the wider population woke up to the level of control they are handing Microsoft.

You CAN make a choice for freedom and democracy in the computer world - by refusing to use Microsoft products and supporting the Anti-Microsoft campaign.

If you are currently using Microsoft Explorer to view this page then why not try out one of the other free browsers available, such as Netscape Navigator, Opera or Mozilla - which are superior to Explorer and do not suffer from security flaws or being incompatible with Internet guidelines.

If you have knowledge of Microsoft secrets or any relevant information,
or experience of alternative software systems, please email us so that this site
can become a universal collection point for all Anti-Microsoft resources.

*** NEWS ***
UK Education | Network Computers | WinCE & Portables
Inefficient Coding | PR Hype | Direct X | Sound & Graphics
The Year 2000 | The Internet | Security Issues | Jokes | Links

Unite the World against Microsoft

Well, they say that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Lets put this claim into action by uniting to destroy Microsoft and their monopoly over the computer industry. If you support this campaign, please email us with your web site details and I will add a link to the growing list linked to above.

It is said that people only value their freedom when they suddenly realise that they don't have any. Help us make the world Microsoft Free, before you lose your freedom!

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